Last 6th of July I went to bcn for many reasons: because I wanted to see my family and friends, cause I missed the sun and lay on the beach and finally cause I needed summer cloth! Since I arrived to the UK I’ve never imagine such a warm weather in London.
Bcn was the same I left 5 months before, kind people, good friends, cheap food and drinks,… Maybe it’s good or maybe not, but used to the London motion I found Bcn a very quiet place, perhaps now I’m more into the London “locomotion” and it’s 24hours non-stop.

What did I do in Bcn? Beaching, shopping, resting, eat paella and sea food, drink sangria, party and stay with family.
Good things, a lot! Bad things, few…
Now back in London I realise how much I miss my family.
I miss you, family (but it wont stop me to discover the world!)
2.Dad's paella
3.Tipical spanish sangria
4.Some Good Friends: Luis, Fran, Sandra, Joaquin, me, Puche (aka "tio bueno")
5.Cristina after work in Puche's car at 2 a.m.
6-7-8-9.Pics from the plane to London

3 comentarios:
aquí estamos para lo que quieras, y cuando vuelvas a bajar, cuenta con nosotros para quedar :D.
Eso si, ahora nos toca a nosotros subir para arriba a ver si es verdad eso de que Londres es más animado que las noches de verano en Barcelona :p.
Por ahora cuenta que en Agosto vamos a subir unos cuantos :p.
Ei, que salgo!!! Fue una visita fugaz, a ver si la próxima vez avisas con algo de mas tiempo que por poco no te veo. Cuidate mucho y no hables tanto inglés. Español bueno, Inglés malo. ;)
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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